Our five questions series asks one of our Parker People about the habits and hobbies that allow them to be the best versions of themselves at work, and otherwise. Check back next month for more!

La’Nesha Miller, Call Center Supervisor, Parker Technology
La’Nesha Miller has been with Parker for years, and has continued to work her way up and do great things! We couldn’t imagine our call center without her. La’Nesha is dedicated to the people at Parker, always looking for ways to encourage the team, acknowledge work anniversaries and birthdays, and lift up her teammates with inspirational messages and tips for growing. She is truly a relational leader, and is dedicated, compassionate and the epitome of empathy and kindness. Fun Fact: La’Nesha represents our brand so well, you’ll see her lovely face on demo calls, in videos, cut sheets, LinkedIn and many other places. You hardly ever see her without a smile!
Read on for her answers to our five questions.
1. How do you start your day?
I like to wake up early (early risers reap many benefits), say a prayer and smile. I thank God for protecting my home and family through the night and I kiss all 7 of my kids.
2. What do you do to enrich yourself outside of work?
I try to be as attentive to my family as I can and allow them to give me feedback on things we do at home. I try to be sensitive to their needs and make sure I listen in full. I know this is something that can be used in the workplace as well. I like to think of my family as “my team” and both are important.
3. If you need inspiration, where do you draw from?
I love to write down all the things I want to get done or have done. Once I have something written down, it has to happen one way or another! I like to write my visions, needs and wants out on paper to refer back to.
4. What work-related habit or practice do you think contributes the most to your success?
I have a habit of thinking of the elderly motorists as my parents. Taking myself out of where I am in the moment, and placing myself in the other person’s shoes. I can now apply this to my everyday life and get results that may be life-changing for myself and the other person.
5. What’s the best thing you’ve found to do when you’re stressed?
I love to journal/write. I can express myself so much more in word form; it allows me to release anything I’ve had bottled in. I can be more free with my words on paper.
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