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Tag: our solution

AI in Parker Technology's Bus Strat

Unlocking the Future: AI’s Role in Parker’s Business Strategy

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries at an incredible pace, and businesses that fail to integrate it into their operations risk falling behind. At Parker Technology, we’re not just looking at AI as a trend, but as a transformative tool to enhance both our customer experience and internal efficiency.   

In this blog, we’ll share how AI has become a part of our operations and how it’s helping us shape processes and discover new opportunities.

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Maximizing Revenue

Maximizing Revenue and Customer Service: Overcoming Today’s Parking Industry Challenges

In today’s evolving parking industry, operators face numerous challenges that threaten both revenue and customer satisfaction. From budget constraints to revenue recovery exceptions, parking facilities must adapt to a rapidly changing environment to maintain profitability.

With increasing pressure to do more with less, how can parking operators navigate these obstacles while continuing to provide excellent service?

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Parker Technology Journey Map

How We Transformed Parking, One Call at a Time

The history of Parker Technology can be traced all the way back to the early 2000s when parking operators began removing cashiers and replacing them with automated parking and revenue control systems (PARCS). At that time, the concept of replacing actual humans with virtual humans via technology became the focus of the company. Patents were filed for the novel use of two-way video technology in a parking facility when a parking customer experienced an issue. Multiple patents were eventually secured as automation became the norm in parking facilities. 

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Unlocking Success in Gateless Parking

Managing parking facilities efficiently can be a daunting task, especially if they are gateless. 

Gateless parking systems have gained popularity in recent years, offering a more seamless and convenient experience for customers. However, implementing these systems comes with its own set of challenges like digital discrimination, low compliance rates and safety concerns.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the current challenges, key concepts and actionable insights to streamline your parking operation.

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Power of Alignment: Delivering an Excellent Customer Experience

In today’s competitive business landscape, delivering an exceptional customer experience is paramount for success. However, many organizations struggle to maintain consistency between their brand promise and actual operations, leading to customer dissatisfaction and loss of trust.

How can you ensure your brand promise aligns seamlessly with your day-to-day operations? This blog will guide you through aligning these elements to enhance your customer experience.

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How Parker Technology Supports the University of Rochester’s Parking Team

One particular area of focus is the university’s hospital garage, where customer service and traffic flow are critically important. The garage was staffed with manned booths until Parker Technology was selected to install automated exit gates and pay stations – a significant change for users. The implementation of this technology allowed Parking & Logistics to optimize operations while staff members previously assigned to booth operations were redeployed to other essential roles within the department.

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The P.A.R.K.E.R. Care Model

At Parker Technology, we solve over two million parking problems per year. To date, we’ve resolved over 5 million customer service calls – that number is growing every day. Thousands of calls are routed through our customer service center every year. 
You can’t run a company that answers so many customer calls without having an exceptional system in place. Our customer service representatives use the P.A.R.K.E.R. Care Model, our unique approach to customer service resolutions.

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Quality Reviews

Maximizing Customer Satisfaction: QA’s Impact Part 2

Customer satisfaction isn’t just a goal; it’s the lifeblood of your parking facility’s success. When parkers have negative experiences, they don’t just seek alternative parking options – they voice their discontent on platforms like Google or Yelp, influencing potential customers and impacting your business’s online presence.

This understanding of the pivotal role customer satisfaction plays in maximizing revenue makes us view our QA program differently than many. We have integrated robust quality assurance (QA) tools and protocols into our operations to ensure unparalleled customer service.

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