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Case Studies

The proof is in the pudding.

Parker Technology Case Studies

Our clients have found success in providing excellent customer experience, keeping traffic flow moving, maximizing revenue, refocusing internal staff, getting insight into operations with real-time data, and more, with our solution. But, don’t take it from us! Find case studies below, organized by vertical. These client success stories tell how operations of all kinds have transformed for the better with the Parker solution.

University Case Studies

When prospective students, visitors, and VIPs come to a campus, their first glimpse into the university is determined by parking. Our software platform captures the complexities of university permits and permissions, to help parking guests pay and get on their way efficiently. These universities and more use our solution to provide an excellent customer experience.

USC Case Study
Penn State Case Study
University of Houston
University of Houston Case Study
IUPUI Case Study
IUPUI Case Study

Municipal Case Studies

Municipal residents and visitors expect a level of personal, friendly customer service. With our solution, municipalities can deliver a high level of customer service in automated garages, while collecting revenue, and refocusing internal staff on other, higher-priority tasks.

City of Colorado Springs
City of Colorado Springs Case Study
City of Lansing case study
City of Lansing case study
Downtown Tempe case study
Downtown Tempe Case Study
City of Las Vegas
City of Las Vegas case study
City of Asheville Case Study
City of Asheville Case Study

Private Operator Case Studies

Delivering a great customer experience is hard. After all, customer’s expectations aren’t set by the parking garage next door, but by world-class brands like Disney, Hilton Hotels, or Chick-fil-A. With our help, private operators use our solution to deliver a excellent customer experience, and to get a competitive edge.

Diamond Parking Case Study
Park-Rite Case Study
Riverside Parking Case Study
Riverside Parking Case Study

Healthcare Case Studies

With our ability to put a virtual ambassador in every lane, we can resolve issues, and get patients, visitors and staff get where they need to be quickly. Healthcare facilities can put a personal touch in automated garages, and ensure a good first and last impression, with our solution.

UT Health Case Study
Eskenazi Health Case Study
Eskenazi Health Case Study

Airport Case Studies

Time is of the essence at airports, as travelers need to quickly and easily park, whether at the beginning, to catch their flights, or end of the travel experience. This is where we can help – quickly answering calls at payment machines and just as efficiently resolving issues to allow travelers to pay and get on their way.

Regina International Airport Case Study