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Author: Tammy Baker

The P.A.R.K.E.R. Care Model

At Parker Technology, we solve over two million parking problems per year. To date, we’ve resolved over 5 million customer service calls – that number is growing every day. Thousands of calls are routed through our customer service center every year. 
You can’t run a company that answers so many customer calls without having an exceptional system in place. Our customer service representatives use the P.A.R.K.E.R. Care Model, our unique approach to customer service resolutions.

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Quality Reviews

Maximizing Customer Satisfaction: QA’s Impact Part 2

Customer satisfaction isn’t just a goal; it’s the lifeblood of your parking facility’s success. When parkers have negative experiences, they don’t just seek alternative parking options – they voice their discontent on platforms like Google or Yelp, influencing potential customers and impacting your business’s online presence.

This understanding of the pivotal role customer satisfaction plays in maximizing revenue makes us view our QA program differently than many. We have integrated robust quality assurance (QA) tools and protocols into our operations to ensure unparalleled customer service.

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Quality Assurance

Maximizing Customer Satisfaction: Quality Assurance’s Impact Pt. 1

If you own or manage a parking facility, you know that delivering top-notch customer service is critical. High-quality support will help ensure you don’t lose parking customers to competing facilities. Plus, excellent customer service can attract more clients to your business, resulting in higher revenue.

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6 Ways to Deliver a Sustainable Customer Experience

As businesses adjust to new goals and efforts to scale, it can be easy to forget about one of the main things that keeps a business running–customers. Ensuring that your customer experience is satisfying and efficient and keeps customers coming back is essential to scale and maintain your business year after year.

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Fierce Determination

Leadership 101: Fierce Determination

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, effective leadership is the bedrock of success. Whether you’re at the helm of a parking services company or leading a multinational corporation, the challenges of navigating an increasingly competitive market and retaining top talent can be daunting.

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4 Steps for Successfully Developing Talent

Any company that hopes to continue growing can do so by prioritizing its most valuable asset: its people. At Parker Technology, our people are our power. Every employee brings a unique skillset to the table, and developing talent is paramount to the advancement of our mission.

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Be curious

Be Curious One Moment Longer

How many times have you jumped to conclusions, put your foot in your mouth, or made assumptions that turned out to be incorrect? One of the best ways to prevent this situation is to be curious and continuously ask questions.

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Parker Technology - Our Solution

How Customer Success (CS) Fits Into the Customer Experience (CX)

Today’s customers have much higher standards than they once did. Having grown up with technology, they are used to a more efficient and automated level of service that better meets their needs. Still, technology isn’t perfect, and when it does cause issues, they want that friendly, personal touch from a customer service team that is ready and waiting to assist them on-demand.

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Our CX Magic Behind-the-Scenes

In addition to the external-facing new features we’ve added to our Platform over the past few months, we are also continually improving and enhancing our software feature functionality internally. These capabilities will help our CSRs be more efficient and provide you (our beloved customers) with visibility into the value we bring each day/week/month.

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