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Client Story: Bethlehem Parking Authority

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, has rich American history dating back to the Revolutionary War, with visits from founding fathers such as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and members of Congress. Bethlehem was also the first U.S. city to adopt a Christmas Tree, receiving the nickname of “Christmas City USA.” 

Although the city itself is rooted in history, the Bethlehem Parking Authority (BPA), in partnership with Parker Technology, has transformed parking operations in the city.

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Client Story: Our Software’s Impact on Preferred Parking

When Preferred Parking originally partnered with Parker Technology, they sought to create efficiencies and build repeatable processes in their parking management system. They needed a data-driven solution and Parker Technology was able to help make a change.

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End of Year Video Thumbnail

2023 Year In Review: Unprecedented Success

As we say goodbye to 2023, it’s with immense pride and gratitude that we reflect on an extraordinary year marked by remarkable achievements, growth and innovations. In the words of Brian Wolff, our President & CEO, “2023 was an extraordinarily successful year for Parker Technology.”

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Park Omaha - 10th and Jackson

How Park Omaha Uses Parker Technology for Employee Retention

Parking management in a city like Omaha, Nebraska is no small task. With the city expanding infrastructure through its growing population base, expansion of the Omaha Airport, and extra parking demand generated by events post-COVID-19, Park Omaha had to find innovative solutions to enhance customer service, streamline operations, and improve their bottom line.

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Gateless Lot

Bringing Value to Gateless Facilities

In the ever-evolving landscape of parking management systems, Parker Technology is a key player in revolutionizing customer service for gateless parking operations. While 90% of our business derives from calls initiated in facilities with Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS), at lane or pay-on-foot devices, our impact extends beyond traditional gate-secured facilities. This blog delves into the unique challenges faced by gateless facilities and how at Parker Technology we are not just adapting, but thriving in this paradigm shift.

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Brand Identity

The Importance of Building a Brand in the Parking Industry

Your brand is much more than its aesthetic identity. It communicates your company’s vision and purpose. It is the story that differentiates your parking operation from your competitors. A brand also explains its promise to its customers and how it fulfills it. A strong brand identity should earn the trust of your target audience so they choose your business.

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Management 101: Finding & Keeping Talent

In the dynamic world of business, effective management is a key component of success, and this holds true even in seemingly unconventional sectors like parking management.

In a recent episode of “Harder Than It Looks: Parking Uncovered,” Brian sat down with Lynda Black, a call center manager based in Indianapolis. The focus of their discussion? The common challenge of finding and retaining top-tier talent, particularly on the frontline.

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Collaboration + Partnerships Are the Key to Success in Parking Operations – Part 2

Sometimes meaningful collaboration can even mean partnering with organizations you may have previously thought of as competitors. After all, it’s far better to fully serve your customer’s needs and foster positive, lasting relationships with them by partnering with a “competitor” that complements their facility’s particular skill set than it is for either organization to provide substandard service and lose a customer forever. At the end of the day, if you’re serving the customer’s needs, it’s a win for everyone.

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