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Our API Integrations

All-In-One Solutions

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Seamless Integration with Your Equipment and Tech

We prioritize collaboration with top PARCS manufacturers and technology vendors in the parking industry. Our commitment to compatibility has led us to adapt our solution to seamlessly integrate with leading brands, encompassing a variety of kiosk models and software platforms.

Our API Partners

Scheidt & Bachmann


Flash kiosk in Park-Rite garage
Available with:
  • Parker 24/7
  • Parker Part-Time (your platform)
  • SaaS
  • Hybrid 24/7 (our platform)
Key API Features:
  • Access monthly parker information to ensure active account status
  • Monthly Parker Reset
  • Transaction History
  • Push rates based on entry time and structure
  • Search for open transient tickets using name, phone or the last 4 digits of a credit card
  • Push pre-set validations to adjust ticket fee
  • Compatible with Audio-Only and Two-Way Video* solutions
  • Gate Vend

*Available in our 24/7 service options as long as the calls are routed through the Parker Platform. Not available on Flash mini kiosks.


Available with:
  • Parker 24/7
  • Parker Part-Time
  • SaaS
  • Hybrid 24/7
Key API Features*:
  • Access real-time information on monthly passholders and their status
  • Effortlessly push parking rates for optimal pricing strategies
  • Transaction History
  • Compatible with Audio-Only and Two-Way Video** solutions
  • Gate Vend

*TIBA control API will work with software version 5.2.3 and up
**Available in our 24/7 service options as long as the calls are routed through the Parker Platform. The video screen share is currently available for X60 models and requires additional TIBA hardware.

Botlleworks - Parker Technology + TIBA two-way video


Available with*:
  • Parker 24/7
  • SaaS
  • Hybrid 24/7
Key API Features:
  • Access real-time information on monthly passholders and their status
  • Lookup Transient Information
  • Search for open tickets using name, phone or ticket ID to push a valid ticket
  • Push rates based on entry time and structure for a lost ticket
  • Push pre-set validations to adjust ticket fee
  • Screenshare
  • Compatible only with Two-Way Video** solutions
  • Gate Vend

*Amano ONE API is required for all Amano ONE Locations to use our 24/7 service options.
**Available in our 24/7 service options as long as the calls are routed through the Parker Platform. Not available on audio-only solutions. If there are external intercoms, you will lose the ability to run API & video.


Available with:
  • Parker 24/7
  • Parker Part-Time (your platform)
  • SaaS
  • Hybrid 24/7 (our platform)
Key API Benefits:
  • Revenue Growth: Private operators leveraging our API integration witness increased revenue as reservation issues no longer dent their margins.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: By amalgamating Ocra’s extensive data with Parker Technology’s customer service solution, resolving reservation-related problems becomes swift and effective.
  • Improved Customer Retention: Our partner API fosters positive customer experiences, enhancing the likelihood of repeat patronage.

Scheidt & Bachmann

Available with:
  • Parker 24/7
  • SaaS
  • Hybrid 24/7 (our platform)
Key API Features:
  • Lookup Monthly Parkers*
  • Reset Monthly Parker Status
  • Push Lost Tickets**
  • Vend Gates

*Lookup Monthly parkers by credential # or LPN.
**Push a lost ticket with a defined amount or entry time. Local system calculates fee.