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Eskenazi Health Case Study

Healthcare facilities have the special mission to make the parking experience easy and welcoming for patients and visitors alike. Patient survey scores can make or break a hospital’s reimbursement, and parking is the first and last touch during that experience.

With our ability to deliver a high level of service from virtual ambassadors dedicated to answering parking-related “help” calls, we can contribute to a positive experience and expedite interactions, so your patients, guests and staff get to where they need to be quickly.

Drive a Better Healthcare Parking Experience

Case Studies

UT Health
Eskenazi Health Case Study
Eskenazi Health

“Parker Technology has been a pleasure to work with. They not only provide exceptional service in a professional and courteous fashion but work as a partner in our operation.”

 – George Pettit, Auxiliary Services Commander of UT Health San Antonio

Our Clients

We have a growing list of healthcare clients. We look forward to adding you to this list.

According to data from our platform, in 2022 we took 5,677 calls per healthcare facility on average. That’s 473 calls per month, per facility. On the high end, the most calls from one healthcare campus in 2022 was 32,062 for the year, which is an average of 2,672 calls per month.